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a rare jewel, 30
academia, 156
achievement through belief, 296
active leadership, 167
adaptation for long-term resilience, 13
ahead of its time, 119
alchemy to chemistry, 91
alliances and countering adversarial tactics, 168
alternative to the quick fixes, 138
ancient Greece, 302
appearances and perspectives, 153
assessing social and political impacts, 209
asset for future navigation, 77
atheism is a lack of belief, 310
awareness of misuse, 82

balanced approach that weighs innovation, 130
balanced innovation for sustainability, 53
bedrock of civilizations, 181
behavioral guidance, 82
behavioral influences, 296
belief and progress, 295
betting against the odds, 75
beyond doctrine, 113
beyond the material universe, 66
bragg's ‘thumb-and-fingers’ metaphor, 244
broad societal understanding, 254
carl sagan's unique integration, 252
challenge of divisiveness, 167
challenges to freedom of speech, 158
champion of viable human rights, 191
childhood indoctrination vs. faith formation, 193
china’s great leap forward, 127
civilization advancement, 102
civilization as a complex society, 30
civilization’s bedrock, 29
civilizational contribution, 82
civilizational influence: religion's historical role, 76
collective repercussions, 148
community and society, 115
community support, 282
complementary nature of science and religion, 240
complementary relationship, 244
comprehensive life framework, 138
consciousness without a soul, 322
constructive coexistence: clear boundaries, 254
contribution of atheists in theistic societies, 60
contributions to science, 141
control vs. enlightenment, 223
cooperation without compromising integrity, 167
coping mechanisms for life's challenges, 258
correlation vs. causation, 303
counterbalanced by intellectual and cultural contributions, 217
critical evaluation of innovations, 129
critical thinking as a safeguard, 52
cultural and scientific progress, 123
cultural cohesion and advancement, 82
cultural influence, 101
cultural intertwining, 303
cultural traditions, 326
curiosity and discovery, 123
cycles: the principle, 166

dangers of ignoring time-tested wisdom, 53
dawkins’s “virus of the mind”, 284
debate standards and fallacies, 88
demonstration of enduring value, 138
depth of faith, 261
developmental advantage, 101
developmental perspective, 101
dialogue between science and religion, 240
dichotomy reevaluation, 267
divisiveness permeates human existence, 316
divisiveness vs. unity, 229
double-edged nature of power, 114
douglas adams' remark, 292
dynamics of power, 169
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empathy for opponents, 84
empirical evidence vs. personal meaning, 254
endorsement for religion can backfire, 237
enduring human needs, 231
enduring legacy, 31
enduring moral framework, 122
enduring relevance of religion through logical, empirical, 37
enduring role of religion, 151
enlightenment is rarely smooth, 143
enrichment of human experience, 68
environmental stewardship, and social justice, 289
epilogue, 338
ethical conversion, 311
ethical frameworks: religious teachings, 303
ethical guidance in contemporary societies, 124
ethical implications of science, 46
ethical principles, 52
ethical role, 240
ethics and critical thinking in leadership, 53
ethics beyond religion, 200
ethics in conflict, 167
ethics, culture, and philosophy, 331
evaluation strategies, 130
existential exploration, 68
existential framework, 175
existential inquiry, 282
exploration of existential questions, 68
exposure effect and religious influence, 156
exposure effect is a psychological phenomenon, 161

facing challenges together, 167
fair play limitations, 167
faith’s role in urgent global action, 40
faith-based principles for sustainability, 40
fallacy avoidance, 88
financial crisis as a warning, 53
foundation for civilization, 98
foundation for the renaissance, 156
foundational psychological influence, 81
foundational values, 110
foundations of prosperity, 108
foundations of societies, 335 
framework for navigating, 226
functional roles of traditions, 296
fundamental human questions, 76

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generational responsibility, 130
göbekli tepe, an enigmatic shift, 99
gradual risks and hidden consequences, 53
guardians of human values, 113
guardians of societal cohesion, 143
guidance amid modernity, 76
guidance and wisdom, 137
guidance in ethical dilemmas, 314
guiding wisdom, 130

hard questions, 170
harmful myths and superstitions, 179
harris correctly asserts, 271
hell is interpretive, 310
historical conflicts, 310
historical contingency: scientific progress, 303
historical contributions to civilization, 68
historical evidence for jesus, 325
historical influence, 76
historical insight, 95
historical success of faith-driven cooperation, 40
holidays can be appreciated without religious belief, 326
holistic understanding, 296
human instincts, 180
human spirit resilience, 77
human value cultivation, 115
humanity shall not live by science alone, 65

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identity and sense of community, 65
identity preservation, 68
illusion of convenience, 47
inclusivity and discrimination, 186
independent critical thinking, 52
independent evaluation beyond the opinion, 50
indispensable role of religion, 56
influence on art and language, 101
influence on societal frameworks, 68
influence on systems, 116
innovation catalyst, 123
innovation guided by sustainable frameworks, 53
institutional support: religious institutions, 301
integral appreciation, 297
integrated development, 304
intellectual development, 330
intellectual growth, 330
intellectual honesty as a path to victory, 85
intellectual and emotional balance, 92
interconnectedness of beliefs and actions, 152
interdisciplinary benefits, 98
interfaith dialogue, 228
internal weaknesses, 46
interplay of emotion and reason, 152
irreligious ideologies in academia, 160
knowledge preservation: the role of monastic libraries, 265
lasting intrinsic needs, 46
laws of nature as divine ordinances, 266
leadership and influence in society, 167
leadership with ethical accountability, 53
legacy and continuity, 116
legacy and the continuation of future generations, 188
lessons from historical pitfalls, 137
lgbtq+ rights coexist without conflict, 313
lightning rounds, 306
long-term accountability in choices, 53
long-term guidance: religious tenets offer, 283
long-term thinking over immediate gratification, 151
loss of theological identity, 165
love without god, 326

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mastering the art of debate, 9
measurable impact of the immeasurable, 65
mental well-being: religion encourages, 289
metaphorical perspective, 282
methodological origins, 101
mind as a tool, 275
miracles contradict the laws of nature, 311
moral and ethical frameworks provided by religion, 76
moral compass, 203
morality and ethics, 202
morality is based solely on fear, 321
morality without god, 320
mount religion, 338
mutually beneficial, 67
myth and science, 91
navigating diversity, 168
navigating life's trade-offs, 137
near-death experiences, 322
neuroscience can provide, 176
nihilism and despair, 324
non-zero-sum relationship, 69
norms that influence our understanding of sanity, 335
obligation to future generations, 130
observatories and research, 267
open and respectful debate, 56
opportunities for dialogue: dawkins' critique, 283
opportunity through questioning, 138
order and laws of nature, 324
organized minority over the unorganized majority, 164
origins of scientific methodology, 101

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paradigm shifts, 91
peace and reconciliation: religion has played a role, 260
pearson's principle, 303
perception and reality of myths and superstitions, 179
permanence of human core identity, 46
personal and societal traits, 116
personal responsibility in shaping society, 152
perspective is crucial, 140
policy evaluation, 130
policy lag and non-viable solutions, 107
popularity of belief doesn't equate to truth, 323
power and potential for misuse, 115
preparation before engaging in any debate, 19
proactive theism, 168
prosocial behavior encouragement, 60
protected-faith engagement, 10
psychological and societal functions, 258
public education, 309
purpose statement, 6
rebutting claims of scriptural errors and contradictions, 182
recognizing red herrings, 88
reevaluating the dichotomy, 266
relationships, personal growth, 320
relevance in modernity, 116
religion and scientific and medical progress, 174
religion and societal progress, 61
religion and survivor bias, 108
religion as a catalyst for cooperation, 40
religion as a catalyst for scientific inquiry, 152
religion as a tried-and-true resource, 182
religion has also been linked to positive health outcomes, 173
religion’s role in promoting resilient frameworks, 53
religion’s timeless role in crisis response, 39
religious freedom and prejudice, 194
religious influence on the establishment of academia, 156
resilience against simplification, 137 (This key takeaway should read: oversimplification)
resilience and adaptability of religious teachings, 128
resilience through religious teachings, 53
respect for human nature, 108
respectful dialogue and understanding, 283
responsibility of theists. 168
richard dawkins' statement, 279
ripple effect of individual choices, 151
role in guiding human behavior, 82
role in societal progress, 69
role of religion in mental health, 226
role of traditions, 296

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sacred in religion, 316
sagan's views on religion, 251
salzman's comparison of religious belief, 258
sanity and identity, 335
scientific breakthroughs within religious contexts, 156
scientific inquiry flourished, 267
secular values, 232
secularization and skepticism, 157
self-indulgence: the luxury we can't afford, 24
separate domains: it is crucial to recognize, 247
setting aside emotional biases, 175
shaping individual character, 81
shared values: religion and science, 303
social benefits, helping individuals, 196
social cohesion and identity, 101
social support enhancement, 60
societal bonding, 115
societal cohesion and inspiration, 76
societal implications of survivor bias, 107
societal preservation, 129
societal stability and prosperity, 101
solidarity and support, 123
soul concept lacks empirical evidence, 322
sources of comfort and meaning, 218
stealth tactics: adversaries of theism, 167
survival and extinction, 47
suspension of normalcy to adapt and survive, 167
synergy of contributions, 268
systemic influence, 116
tax exemptions for religious institutions, 225
technological development and religion, 60
testament to human spirit, 77
the allure of quick fixes, 136
the boiling frog metaphor, 53
the double-edged sword of technology, 47
the enduring appeal of religion, 233
the human experience, 80
the limits of science in defining humanity, 64
the power of perspective: how we perceive, 151
the timelessness of religion, 71
theism and sustainable development, 63
theism’s indispensability to societies, 20
theistic presence in all societal segments, 159
timeless legacy, 114
trade-offs and disappointments, 136

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understanding religion’s resistance to new ideas, 213
understanding religious experiences, 181
unity in diversity, 167
universal engagement, 115
universal human quest, 79
value of intellectual honesty, 87
verifiable impact of religion, 88
vigilance and critical evaluation of all sources, 88
wall of shared values, 339
wisdom as a guiding light, 130
wisdom of ancestors, 47
wisdom preservation, 76

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