carl sagan's unique integration, 252
challenge of divisiveness, 167
challenges to freedom of speech, 158
champion of viable human rights, 191
childhood indoctrination vs. faith formation, 193
china’s great leap forward, 127
civilization advancement, 102
civilization as a complex society, 30
civilization’s bedrock, 29
civilizational contribution, 82
civilizational influence: religion's historical role, 76
collective repercussions, 148
community and society, 115
community support, 282
complementary nature of science and religion, 240
complementary relationship, 244
comprehensive life framework, 138
consciousness without a soul, 322
constructive coexistence: clear boundaries, 254
contribution of atheists in theistic societies, 60
contributions to science, 141
control vs. enlightenment, 223
cooperation without compromising integrity, 167
coping mechanisms for life's challenges, 258
correlation vs. causation, 303
counterbalanced by intellectual and cultural contributions, 217
critical evaluation of innovations, 129
critical thinking as a safeguard, 52
cultural and scientific progress, 123
cultural cohesion and advancement, 82
cultural influence, 101
cultural intertwining, 303
cultural traditions, 326
curiosity and discovery, 123
cycles: the principle, 166
dangers of ignoring time-tested wisdom, 53
dawkins’s “virus of the mind”, 284
debate standards and fallacies, 88
demonstration of enduring value, 138
depth of faith, 261
developmental advantage, 101
developmental perspective, 101
dialogue between science and religion, 240
dichotomy reevaluation, 267
divisiveness permeates human existence, 316
divisiveness vs. unity, 229
double-edged nature of power, 114
douglas adams' remark, 292
dynamics of power, 169
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